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Bulletins, Reports and Submissions Irish Tax Institute
The Institute response to the OECD’s public consultation on Addressing the Tax Challenges of the Digitalisation of the Economy. The Institute raised a number of concerns relating to the proposals currently being discussed by members of the Inclusive Framework, regarding revised profit allocation and nexus rules under Pillar 1 and a global anti-base erosion proposal to address remaining BEPS concerns under Pillar 2
Bulletins, Reports and Submissions Irish Tax Institute
he submission primarily focuses on issues impacting the indigenous sector and sets out a number of tax policy proposals relating to entrepreneurial measures, the KEEP share scheme and the R&D tax credit. We also included recommendations on the Finance Bill process, the tax appeals process and on administrative aspects underpinning the key tax policy measures
Bulletins, Reports and Submissions Irish Tax Institute
Irish Tax Institute proposals for legislative amendments in Finance Bill 2018
Bulletins, Reports and Submissions Irish Tax Institute
The Institute's response to the public consultation on the review of EII and SURE schemes. The submission highlights issues in the design and operation of the schemes that can act as barriers to investment. 12 recommendations are set out to improve the tax policy and administration underpinning these schemes
Bulletins, Reports and Submissions Irish Tax Institute
The Institute recommended that the valuation date, exemptions and reliefs under the LPT regime should be regularly reviewed to ensure that the property tax continues to provide a stable and sustainable yield in the medium and long-term and that LPT should be deductible as a genuine business expense against taxable rental income
Bulletins, Reports and Submissions Irish Tax Institute
Given the importance of all the anticipated changes to the corporation tax code over the next two years, the Institute emphasised in the submission the need to provide tax certainty for taxpayers by consulting widely, not only on the policy choices required but also on draft legislation and Revenue guidance well in advance of the measures commencing. The detailed submission includes the Institute’s recommendations on Controlled Foreign Company legislation and moving to a territorial regime; transfer pricing, the GAAR, exit tax and anti-hybrid rules.