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Bulletins, Reports and Submissions Irish Tax Institute
Contingency Plans for a No -Deal Brexit … Given the continued uncertainty surrounding the ratification of the proposed Withdrawal Agreement by the United Kingdom, both the Irish Government and the European Commission have published contingency action plans for a no -deal Brexit. The Government’s action plan sets out an analysis of a “ no dealBrexit under a number of headings including, economic and fiscal impact, security, Northern Ireland, relations with Great Britain and sectoral analyses. The document also details areas where primary and secondary legislation is likely to be required. The European Commission’s action plan also includes its legislative proposals for a no -deal Brexit. These focus on 14 areas where a no-deal scenario would create particular disruption, including customs, financial services, air transport and climate policy.
Bulletins, Reports and Submissions Irish Tax Institute
developed in the shadow of Brexit … ”. The Institute welcomes the support offered to Irish business in the Budget measures and agrees with the Minister’s decision to direct available resources to the sectors most vulnerable to the risk of a “no deal” Brexit. In particular, the Institute welcomes the changes announced to a number of existing business tax measures to make them more effective and accessible to small businesses....  ...