434 results (download list)
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Tax Cases and Appeals Courts Service
Appeal by way of case stated regarding TAC determination (103TACD2023), considering the treatment of a release of a balance of a €6 million property loan taken out by a development company as a receipt of the trade, s87(1) TCA 1997
Tax Cases and Appeals Courts Service
Appeal by way of case stated regarding TAC determination (01TACD2023), regarding replayment of VAT in relation to professional services in connection with the sale of the Appellant’s ‘capacity’s. s5, VATCA 2010, s6 VATCA 2010, s26 VATCA 2010, s59 VATCA 2010
Tax Cases and Appeals Courts Service
Judgment from the High Court in a case involving the imposition of a civil penalty for the respondent's alleged failure to file income tax and VAT returns s1077E TCA 1997, s116(3) VATCA 2010
Tax Cases and Appeals Courts Service
Appeal by way of case stated regarding TAC determination (60TACD2023), regarding the tax treatment of Single Payment Scheme payments paid by the Department of Agriculture, Food and Marine to an incorporated farm and the application of the four-year statutory limitation period, s955 TCA 1997
Tax Cases and Appeals Courts Service
Appeal by way of case stated regarding TAC determination (81TACD2022) concerning a holding company’s entitlement to input VAT recovery in respect of ongoing activities and a number of transactions s12 VATCA 2010, s12 VATCA 2010, s33 VATCA 2010, s34 VATCA 2010, s59 VATCA 2010, s61 VATCA 2010