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Tax Cases and Appeals Tax Appeals Commission
Appeal regarding application of the four-year statutory limitation period, s119(h) VATCA 2010
Tax Cases and Appeals Tax Appeals Commission
Appeal regarding VAT refund to taxable persons not established in the Member State of refund but established in another Member State under the provisions of Council Directive 2006/112/EC, Council Directive 2008/9/EC, s101 VATCA 2010
Tax Cases and Appeals Tax Appeals Commission
Appeal regarding certification of VAT vouchers in respect of goods imported s58 VATCA 2010
Tax Cases and Appeals Tax Appeals Commission
Appeal regarding VAT treatment of free promotional gifts s19 VATCA 2010, Art 14, 16, 73, 110 VAT Directive
Tax Cases and Appeals Tax Appeals Commission
Appeal regarding application of the four-year statutory limitation period, s101 VATCA 2010
Tax Cases and Appeals Tax Appeals Commission
Appeal regarding application of the four-year statutory limitation period, s99(4) VATCA 2010
Tax Cases and Appeals Tax Appeals Commission
Appeal reagarding security required to be provided by the appellant for the protection of the revenue by CAB, 960S TCA 1997
Tax Cases and Appeals Tax Appeals Commission
Appeal regarding imposition of VAT on the importation of a “new means of transport” into the State s3 VATCA 2010
Tax Cases and Appeals Tax Appeals Commission
Appeal regarding VAT refund in relation to aids and applicances for people with disabilities Value Added Tax (Refund of Tax) (No. 15) Order 1981, Statutory Instrument 428 of 1981
Tax Cases and Appeals Tax Appeals Commission
Appeal regarding refund of VAT s101(2) VATCA 2010, Art 51 Agreement on the withdrawal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from the European Union