309 results (download list)
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Tax Cases and Appeals Tax Appeals Commission
Appeal regarding income tax liability on benefit payments from a non-approved South African policy s125 TCA 1997; s471 TCA 1997; s730 TCA 1997
Tax Cases and Appeals Tax Appeals Commission
Appeal regarding application of the four-year statutory limitation period, s865 TCA 1997
Tax Cases and Appeals Tax Appeals Commission
Appeal regarding application of the four-year statutory limitation period, s865 TCA 1997
Tax Cases and Appeals Tax Appeals Commission
Appeal regarding application of the four-year statutory limitation period, s865 TCA 1997
Tax Cases and Appeals Tax Appeals Commission
Appeal regarding assessment to income tax in respect of liquidation proceeds received from an incorporated and tax resident company s740 TCA 1997; s743 TCA 1997; s745 TCA 1997
Tax Cases and Appeals Tax Appeals Commission
Appeal regarding application of the four-year statutory limitation period, s865 TCA 1997
Tax Cases and Appeals Tax Appeals Commission
Appeal regarding application of interest relief for part-time director requirement, previous appeal involving one of 31 appellants involved in similar transactions that were previously deemed to contravene anti-avoidance rules – ruling applied as in 47TACD2019. s250 TCA 1997, s817A TCA 1997
Tax Cases and Appeals Tax Appeals Commission
Appeal regarding treatment of “trading” loss rather than as a “capital” loss, s381 TCA 1997; s381C TCA 1997
Tax Cases and Appeals Tax Appeals Commission
Appeal regarding application of the four-year statutory limitation period, s865 TCA 1997
Tax Cases and Appeals Tax Appeals Commission
Appeal regarding application of the four-year statutory limitation period, s865 TCA 1997